The most popular place to be on this Thursday night was for sure at the MIDWEST KINGS of the RING in DAVENPORT,IOWA ,it was the best crowd ever to show up yet, lots of fun for this night.
DUSTY GOLD started off the night for us by giving us a round 1 TKO over MIKE EDWARDS.
Next was JON SKINNER getting a referee stoppage in round 2 due to strikes against JOSH ANSPACH .
Next was a submission grappling match between RYAN " DIRTY "ANTLE and MICHAEL MAY, RYAN got the best of MICHAEL as he got choked and had to tap out.
Then JUSTIN HANNABARGER put JUSTIN TINCHER in a rear naked choke and got himself the victory when JT tapped out .
KIEL FISCHER came it strong against an always ready KEVIN POWELL but the match was stopped due to strikes as KIEL wrapped this one up.
Right back at the action was a boxing match . NICK UTTERE put the big hurt to JASON LEWIS and won that match by TKO
Right before the main event JAMIE CAMPBELL ended ZACK BLASCZCYK's night in round 1 due to strikes, but then JAMIE called out another guy TOMMY TAKAS and wanted to fight another fight while he stayed in the ring. Jamie put a good effort into it but 2 fights in a row is alot to ask anyone to do, as much as he went for it , TOMMY TAKAS swooped him and eventually choked him out . This was an awesome match the crowd really was amped for the main event after that.
The main event was a great one TED REYNOLDS JR from Muscatine took on MILETICH trained fighter MATT WILLIAMS as the fight started TED had MATT in a guillotine right off the bat and it was deep, but MATT staying calm worked and pulled to get out of it , and finally he did some more pounding on the ground went on , the n the referee stood them up. Matt was right on target with hard shots to the head of TED..finally he rung his bell and knocked out the very game player . MATT wins by TKO. Conrats to MATT WILLIAMS and thanks to TED REYNOLDS JR for stepping up.Both made for a good fight and a great way to end the show .
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