lET ME START BY SAYING ...the man who fought 2 fights was as big as 2 men ...lol...wow Alex Kanellis at 290 and more than 6'6 destroyed the first fighter of the in boxing night by quickly taking out Chris Holmes as Chris could not continue after getting hit, later Alex also took out veteran MMA fighter and RK favorite boxing Ryan Antle,, Ryan hung in there but was really impressed how hard Alex hit and his determination to keep comming..Ryan got an almost donkey type punch that left him dazed for a few seconds he said.
Next Tommy Takas beat Brandon Martin in a exciting NHB style fight, also not pictured in another good NHB style fight was John Davis taking out Justin Kinkaid.
Jez Elizendo stepped up next to a returning Chris Holmes who was game enought try it again the same night. Jez put the whoop on Chris as Chris left the ring with still a big heart, I'm sure he'll be back for another round another night.
The Pro main event featured Mike Pena vs Eldred "2 to " Nunn. This was a full 4 rounds of action as Nunn came out strong against Pena, but was later deducted 1 point for pushing somewhere arond the second round, as we all saw Mike at 43 yrs old turn on that "old man strength" and continue to throw blows against the younger Nunn. this was a very exciting and close fight , if it was'nt for the1 point deduction this fight would of had to of been a draw , but the 1 point gave the edge and the win to MIKE PENA...this was a great full time limit fight that got the crowd going absolutley crazy with excitement..all in all it was a great night and we had lots of fighters that didnt get a chance to fight due to no opponents and then when they did find an opponent ,, we ran out of time ..great show !!!
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